Ishq Ke Rang Mein Rang Jaoo by Bulbalay Chaminstan -E- Madina Alhaj Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri Video Naat to Listen and Watch online.
Bulbalay Chaminstan-E-Madina Alhaj Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri is the crownless king of Sana Khawans around the world and undoubtedly the most heartily loved, popular and legend of Sana Khawans, known for his melodious voice and unique style of expressing his great love and respect with the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Muhammadﺼﻟﻰﷲﻋﻟﻴﻪ ﻮﺴﻟﻣ!!!
غلام ہیں غلام ہیں رسول کے غلام ہیں